Tuesday 3 December 2013

Try,try,try again

This may possibly be about the fifth blogspot I have made due to their very confusing system of only being able to sign up with a google account, or maybe I'm being an amateur with technology. However, making a blog and actually sticking to it is something I've wanted to do for ages whether I get no views or hundreds.

As I'm new here and it's always nice to get to know people I will let you know a bit about myself. I'm Grace, I am 17 and I live in the UK. I am currently studying my A levels and hope to become a broadcast journalist in the future. My dream job would be to be a news reader or reporter for a national news programme such as BBC or ITV news. I can't say I know why I have such a great desire to be a news reporter, I have some interest in the news but I wouldn't say it's a passion but none the less it is my biggest ambition and hopefully one day you might be watching me on your TV's at night to keep up to date with current affairs while you tuck into your dinner .

In this blog I am hoping to incorporate some actual journalism so I can get some experience and just a general feel for the profession as well as documenting on news or topics that are of great interest to me at the time and giving my opinion on them. As well as the 'professional' side of my blog I would love to include all aspects of life that I am passionate about and just have a place where I can come talk naturally about anyone or anything. Essentially this blog is going to be a mixture of everything from political posts to fashion posts and anything in between.

Doing a blog like this as a teen is quite daunting because you feel the people that are genuinely interested in the news may be unimpressed with your documenting of it and think of you as a bit of an amateur and that the rest of the people my age have no interest in it. I wanted to write the posts about current affairs in a way that would not only include people that have a real interest for the news and what is going on in the world but also the people that find the thought of picking up a newspaper a chore instead of interesting. As you may be able to tell with my blog name and address I have got to a point where I want to start doing things for me instead of fretting whether it will be embarrassing or 'uncool'. Although at times I'm sure I'll still feel insecure about the idea of writing a blog, I feel that if Journalism is something I'm truly passionate about it's never to early to get some experience.

I apologise if you have think I rambled on. Don't worry my posts on the news, at least at first are going to be brief summaries of real news articles so they won't be so long and boring.

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